DShell = Distributed Shell Distributed Shell = DShell
DShell is a command-line interface, stand-alone component contained with Dimensigon (DM Core) python module.
It translates all user input to RESTful API requests.
DShell makes it easy to work with JSON and interacting with servers regardless of their location or their number.
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We suppose you have already deployed Dimensigon python module, either in your machine and/or the machines you want to administrate, at least in 1 or more nodes (join). If not, follow the Quickstart in this link.
Invoke DShell with the command "dshell".
Connect with the user and password specified when creating the DIMENSION.
$ dshell
Pro Tip
By default, the config file lookup is: ~/.dshell
You can specify another location by specifying "-c" or "--config-file" followed by your config file.
To avoid specifying user and server every time, create a config file with the following content:
echo "
username = <username>
server = <your-server-or-ip>
port = <if-non-default-port-5000>
" > ~/.dshell
Invoke DShell with the command "dshell".
Connect with the user and password specified when creating the DIMENSION.
Once logged-in. Your token and refresh token will help you for the next logins.
For each command you can use "-h" for help.
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