
A game-changer in Cloud Era

Get Elastic!


Dimensigon (DM)

Our backend open source Python technology to orchestrate elastic services

Distributed-Decentralized Automation-IoT RESTful technology

The first node

– Creating the DIMENSION –


Let’s install the pre-requisites in the first node. Use YUM or APT.

Dimensigon requires Python = 3.6

apt-get update -y
apt-get install libffi-dev
apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y software-properties-common && \
add-apt-repository -y ppa:deadsnakes/ppa && \
apt-get update
apt-get install -y \
python3.6 python3.6-dev python3.6-venv python3-pip \
libssl-dev autoconf build-essential python3-wheel
apt-get install firewalld


Create own user and virtual environment for Python

useradd -s /bin/bash -m dimensigon

#Python Virtual Env. su - dimensigon -c "python3 -m venv -- prompt dimensigon venv" su - dimensigon -c "echo 'source ~/venv/bin/activate' >> .bash_profile"

#Pre-reqs. DM su - dimensigon -c "pip install wheel" su - dimensigon -c "pip install setuptools_rust" su - dimensigon -c "pip install --upgrade pip"

#Pre-reqs. DShell
su - dimensigon -c "pip install pyperclip"

#DM Install su - dimensigon -c "pip install dimensigon"


Add this to your sudoers file

(visudo command OR “vi /etc/sudoers” depending of your distro)

Case you are running a lightweighted image/container: apt-get install sudo vim

# Dimensigon - DM Core
Defaults:dimensigon !requiretty


Install Dimensigon “DM” Python Package

It includes, DM Core and DShell.

su - dimensigon -c "pip install dimensigon"


(1 per Dimension/”Group of Groups”/Organization)

We need to create the “Dimension

A Dimension is a logical group of all servers that can be managed with DM.

su - dimensigon
dimensigon new


Time to start Dimensigon!

It can be started in foreground or background or as a service.

dimensigon --daemon

Joining the DIMENSION


From the first node as in the future from any node belonging to the DIMENSION.

Generate a token for the other nodes to join.

It has 15 minutes as default expire time, modifiable through a parameter.

For all commands in dimensigon or dshell, use “-h” for help.

# 3 Options, we explain the 2 most simple here
# 1) From command line, using "dimensigon" main program.
dimensigon token

# 2) From DShell.
 root.dshell> manager token
# 3) Through RESTful from another machine.


Manual JOIN Operation in this basic tutorial.
(Automatic example here)

In your new server, follow steps 1 and 2 to install Dimensigon in the next servers, and before starting it (step 4), perform the join as follows.

Specify the server name of any server already part of the dimension, as for example, the first we had created.

dimensigon join <server-name-already-in-dm> <token>

Security can be implemented at several levels, including “sudoers” per machine.

For more complex topics, refer to the Documentation.

9 + 14 =

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